On June 29, the networking event "Feminist Perspectives on Cities- The Intersection of Theory and Praxis", organized by the Network of Women and Habitat of Latin America and the Caribbean, will be held in the framework of the 11th World Urban Forum in Katowice, Poland.

Women and Habitat Network of Latin America and the Caribbean, invites to participate in the networking and interaction event entitled "Feminist Perspectives on Cities - the Intersection of Theories and Praxis", organized within the framework of the 11th World Urban Forum in Katowice, Poland.
The event will consist of discussion and interaction tables made up of women from the Academy, governments and grassroots organizations, around specific topics:
Feminist Urbanism (feminist urban planning; gender and intersectional planning)
Women's right to the City (right to a city free of violence, struggles for sexual and reproductive rights)
Grassroots women's activism and urban agenda (challenges for grassroots activism, impact of climate change on local communities)
The key objectives of the networking event are:
To make visible the protagonism of women in feminist urbanism.
Recognize the work of grassroots women in various neighborhoods and territories working to implement an urban agenda.
Discuss women's right to a city, including reproductive rights and the right to a safe city.
The participants in this interaction event are:
Maite Rodriguez, Regional Coordinator "Women and Habitat LAC Network"
Ana Falú, HIC Feminist Board Member, UNC, Ubuntu UCLG.
Ingrid Ciego, Guatemalan grassroots and territorial leader.
Violet Shivutse, Chair Huairou Commission.
Inés Sánchez de Madariaga, Chair Advisory Group on AGGI.
Kalpana Viswanath, Safetipin and Global Coalition on inclusive and Safe Spaces and Cities for Women and Girls.
Teresa Boccia, Professor Urban Planning, Federico II University of Naples, and the Scientific Director of URBANIMA LUPT Interdepartmental Research Centre, Italy.
Yolande Hendler, General Secretary of HIC.
Radoslaw Nawojski, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, research project documenting struggles for reproductive rights in Poland since 2015.
Barbara Nawrocka, Dominika Janicka and Dominika Wilczyńska, Feminist architecture collective Bal Architektek.
Anna Bednarczyk: Polish Academy of Sciences.
The meeting will be held on June 29, 2022 at 12:30 pm (GMT+2) in the Multipurpose Room No. 16 of the International Congress Centre. Live broadcast available on: https://bit.ly/event-RMyH
For more information on this meeting and on the 11th WUF, please visit: https://wuf.unhabitat.org/event/feministperspectives-cities-intersection-theories-and-praxis